Digest Labour Centre welcomes you to Psychometric Career Evaluation Test.
Our company values the privacy and confidentiality of our clients and their data. As part of our commitment to protecting your personal information, we require you to agree to the following statement before taking our Psychometric evaluations tests:
Thank you for your trust in our company and for choosing our Psychometric evaluations tests.
This psychometric test consists of 20 sections in total, and you must respond to each question. The test questions are divided into categories for language aptitude, abstract reasoning, verbal reasoning, mechanical reasoning, numerical aptitude, spatial aptitude, and perceptual aptitude. On February 9, 2025, you will take this test.
Note: There is a Category Check mark at the beginning of each question. As it allows you to move on to the next question, make sure you click the box. Remember to click the Submit button to submit your tests after finishing them.
Verbal ReasoningPART IPart I has 3 sentences (Questions 19-21). Each sentence has two pairs of words. One word from the second pair is missing. You need to complete the pair by selecting the correct word from the given options - A, B, C and D to make the statement correct and logical.
PART IIPart II has 3 sentences (Questions 22-24). Each sentence has two pairs of words. The first word from the first pair and the last word from the second pair are missing. You need to select the word pair from the given options - A, B, C and D so that the sentence will be correct and logical.
The first word of the pair you choose goes to the first blank space in the sentence while the second word of the pair goes to the second blank space in the sentence.
Mechanical ReasoningPART IIn this part, there are 3 items. All items have questions along with figures like those given in the example below. Read each question carefully, look at the figures and find the correct answer from the four options- A, B, C and D.
Numeric AptitudePART I
This part consists of 3 arithmetical problems, some of which are numerical and some are word problems. Each problem is followed by four given options A, B, C and D. You are to choose the correct answer and mark it in your answer sheet. Do calculations if any, on a Rough Sheet.
4656 + 1244 =?
2400, 1200, 600, 300, ?
Spatial Aptitude
PART IPart I has 3 items. Read instructions given at the top of each page carefully. Each item consists of a Problem Figure followed by Answer Figures. Each Answer Figure has four options- A, B, C and D. Only one among them is right answer. Select the right answer.
Perceptual AptitudePART IThis part consists of 3 items, which are designed to see how quickly and accurately you can compare letter and/or number combinations.
PART IIThis part consists of 3 items, which are designed to see how quickly and accurately you can compare letter and/or number combinations.
PART IIIThis part consists of 3 items, which are designed to see how quickly and accurately you can compare letter and/or number combinations.
Thank you for completing this psychometric evaluation. We hope the results will provide valuable insights into your abilities and preferences. In addition to being considered for the specific role you applied for, please note that the test results can also be used to assess your suitability for other potential career paths within our organization.
Based on your test outcomes, we may recommend alternative positions or functions that align more closely with your strengths and interests. This can open up new possibilities for your career development and growth.
If you have successfully passed this initial test, please be prepared for potential follow-up assessments, such as interviews, skill-based evaluations, or in-depth discussions with our recruitment team. These subsequent stages are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of your qualifications and potentials.
We encourage you to stay engaged and proactive during this process, as it offers an opportunity for mutual exploration of the best possible match between your capabilities and job market needs.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for your commitment and participation.